Artist Mentoring

Arts for All Kentucky Roster Artists are a group of talented and skilled teaching artists who are not only excellent in their art forms but also skilled at adapting their teaching methodology in their art form to the whole spectrum of special needs. Since it is Arts for All Kentucky’s mission to provide equal and inclusive opportunities in the arts for children and adults with disabilities, it is vital that our Roster Artists have that adaptive quality and skill in working with populations with special needs.
In order to be approved for our Roster, artists must demonstrate in their application that they have experience in teaching their art form and have had some experience with special needs populations. Many of the artists who apply to our Roster have had extensive experience with teaching both children and adults in their arts discipline.
While those who apply and are approved for our Roster demonstrate in their application this kind of experience, we require that all new Arts for All Kentucky Roster Artists complete three observations with three different highly experienced mentor artists on our Roster. All artists observed do not have to be in the new Roster artist’s art form. In fact, we prefer that at least one observation not be in the new artist’s art form. The importance in these observations is exposure to different styles and adaptive strategies. Many teaching artists don’t have the luxury of this kind of stimulation, and this provides that opportunity as well as a stipend.
For more information contact Arts for All Kentucky at [email protected] or call 270-792-0023