Donate to Arts for All Kentucky

The arts provide us with a universal language through which we communicate experiences and unite diverse cultures. Through the arts, Arts for All Kentucky provides opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in the life of their communities and make our world more accessible and enjoyable. Please consider helping Arts for All Kentucky to continue fulfilling its mission in one of the following ways:

PayPal Donate

PayPal makes it easy to donate using your PayPal account or credit card, you can also setup monthly contributions.

Cash Donation

Experiential, inclusionary arts projects in creative writing, dance, drama, music, storytelling, or visual arts.

Donate Now (PDF)

Guidestar Gold Transparency 2024: Candid.

Learn more about Kentucky Arts For All on our Guidestar Profile.

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Cash gifts are the simplest type of contribution. Please complete the PDF donation form and mail it in to Arts for All Kentucky.

Stocks and Bonds

Depending on your circumstances, it may be advantageous to make your donation in the form of highly appreciated securities. In most cases, this type of donation has the same tax-deductibility as cash gifts, while eliminating capital gains taxes. You could also consider a required minimum distribution donation to our organization. We can provide you with a tax deductible receipt. Contact us to learn more about these options.

Real Estate and Other Appreciated Property

Gifts of real estate and other properties can offer advantages similar to contributions of stocks and bonds. Be sure to call us to discuss any potential gifts of property.


You can remember Arts for All Kentucky in your will, either by a specific dollar amount or percentage, or as the residual beneficiary of your estate. A bequest can serve as an enduring memorial to the arts and to people with disabilities.


Make gifts in honor of or in memory of loved ones and friends.

Other Ways of Giving

There are several other ways to make a gift, while also receiving income from the gift throughout your lifetime, experiencing significant tax advantages, and meeting your philanthropic goals. We can meet with you and/or your financial adviser at your convenience to discuss these “life income” options. If you would like to speak with someone about how you can get involved or want to learn more about your charitable giving options, please contact our Executive Director, Catie Robertson at 270-792-0023 or [email protected] PDF donation form * – Please download the latest FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for a fast and easy way to view and fill out your Arts for All Kentucky applications.